A group of friends get stranded in a seemingly deserted small town and find themselves stalked by a violent gang of psychopaths dressed as clowns.若干个友人困到一个看似烧毁的小镇上,他们收现他们被一伙装束成小丑样子容貌的拥有暴力倾背的神经病跟踪。。。
A group of friends get stranded in a seemingly deserted small town and find themselves stalked by a violent gang of psychopaths dressed as clowns.若干个友人困到一个看似烧毁的小镇上,他们收现他们被一伙装束成小丑样子容貌的拥有暴力倾背的神经病跟踪。。。
更多关于 小丑镇